Browse Items (5126 total)

Damages to the Star Bottling Works

(left) and a furniture warehouse (right) around 470 East

Main Street. (Present location of the

Laurel Tree Flower Shop). Caskets from the furniture

warehouse went floating down …

This Jewelry Store was located on the north side of Main

St., just a couple shops east of Alder (now Kamiaken).

Looking east on Main St. from near Paradise Street.

Looking south towards Pioneer Hill from across the Palouse River.

Looking west on Main Street from past Spring Street.

Handwritten text on back reads ""This is the OR & N

bridge across Main St. The end almost touched Prof's yd.

fence. The upper story of Wallers wearhouse (was) up

against the Implement…

Looking west across Grand Avenue as

flood waters recede. West Main Street is on the far left

with Kimball's Furniture and Undertaking

the structure slightly off-center. The gothic -style

structure upon Sunnyside Hill is …

Looking south from the intersection of

Main Street and Grand Avenue during the flood. On the far

left is the Flatiron building; to the far

right: The Artesian Hotel.

Looking south on Grand St. from Main Street with the

Flatiron Building to the far left and the Artesian

Hotel on the right.

Looking south on south Grand Street. The Palouse Country

Improvement Company was at present day 225

South Grand between LaPlantes and My Office.

Looking southeast up the Palouse River from above Reaney Park

on College Hill.

Looking south east up the Palouse River, with Pioneer Hill to

the right.

Looking north up State Street from the Palouse River bridge.

A group waits atop L. H. Waller's

carriage for transportation across the flooded street.

Waller was an early Transfer Agent or


On Paradise St., looking north, with the southwest end of

Campus Hill beyond.

Looking north on Alder (now Kamiaken)

Street from about Paradise during the 1910 flood. Old City

Hall is just left of center with the

Pullman State Bank to its right. Then the band stand was

located at the corner of …

Looking south on Grand Street from across the Palouse River.

Looking east on Olsen St. from Grand St.

Looking west up Main St. The main entrance of the Hotel

Washington (at the southeast corner of Main and Pine) is at

the immediate left.

Looking southeast at downtown Pullman across the Palouse River

from the Alder (Kamiaken) St. bridge.

Date taken from inscription.

Date taken from postmark.
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