A Turkish bath at home. It cures diseases without medicine! The bath treats cases of Rheumatism, Neuralgia, colds, bronchitis, asthma, influenza, Typhoid, and other fevers. The description of the bath aids dates the advertisements because thermal…
THis shows the working conditions born fomr Taylor's scientific managment. Chalie Chaplin stared in this film depicting the assembly line, pressures from managers to follow the method of time motion, and speed in which products should be produced.
This chart printed in a Dutch book on astronomy depicts a geocentric universe, with the Earth at its center and the planets, sun, and stars orbiting around the Earth. In this chart, Mercury and Venus orbit around the sun, which would help explain…
1 map ; 85 x 45 cm.Bathymetry shown by soundings and isolinesDescribes an improvement project to make a channel and construct pile dikes"H. Ex. 31 52 1."Indexed in: CIS US serial set index, pt. 14, 2950 (52-1) H.exdoc. 31, map 1 Scale 1:20,000
1 map ; 36 x 133 cm.Appendix 1: Report on the fisheries of the Pacific coast of the United States / by J. W. CollinsBathymetry shown by isolinesIncludes islands, points, shoals, sloughs, creeks, spits, bars, cities, towns, and other rivers. Names of…
1 map ; 27 x 62 cm.Bathymetry shown by form linesSymbols indicate location of pound-nets, canneries, and clam fisheries. Also shows areas of salmon gill-net fishing. Includes towns and tributaries"Report U.S.F.C. 1888--(To face page 240.) Pacific…
1 map ; 40 x 42 cm.Letters and symbols indicate fishing grounds for salmon, trout, halibut, smelt, rockfish and oysters. Also shows gill-nets, pound nets and canneries. Includes coastal features, islands and cities. Shows the Pacific coast of…
This chart from William Derham's Astro-theology displays a model of the geocentric universe, including the orbit of the planets, the stars, and the "coclum empyreum," which was essentially heaven. In this model, as in all geocentric models, Earth is…
1 map : col. ; 45 x 31 cm. or smallerRelief shown by contours and spot heightsTitle supplied by catalogerSet includes various editions"Surveyed in 1913-1914""Control interval 50 feet. Datum is mean sea level.""Edition of 1916"Includes green shading…
1 map : col. ; 45 x 31 cm. or smallerRelief shown by contours and spot heightsTitle supplied by catalogerSet includes various editions"Surveyed in 1897-98""Edition of 1901, reprinted in 1917. with corrections.""Contour interval 100 feet. Datum is…
1 map ; 52 x 42 cm., folded to 20 x 10 cm.Relief shown by hachures, spot heights and landformsPanel title: Map of Chelan National Forest and directions to hunters and campers"Willamette meridian.""Surveys corrected to Nov. 27, 1912."Text on…
1 map : col. ; 45 x 31 cm. or smallerRelief shown by contours and spot heightsTitle supplied by catalogerSet includes various editions"Surveyed in 124 and 1927"Contour interval 100 feet. Datum is mean sea level."Includes green shading indicating…