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110 W 5th Ave.

Date taken from postmark.
1 map : col ; 57 x 37 cm.Map shows street railroads and railroadsScanned from: Davis' new commercial encyclopedia : Washington, Oregon and Idaho, the Pacific Northwest. Portland was first settled in 1843, and was named, by coin flip, in 1845 (had…
1 map : col ; 57 x 37 cm."Copyrighted 1902"Scanned from: Davis' new commercial encyclopedia : Washington, Oregon and Idaho, the Pacific Northwest. Seattle proper was originally settled in 1852 when a settlement on Alki Point during the previous…
1 map; 29 x 24 cm. Then possessing less than 300 people, Seattle was about to boom to a population of more than 230,000 in the next 40 years. This was due to a variety of factors, including but not limited to the completion of the transcontinental…
1 map: col., 28 x 27 cm.Steam railroads shown by heavy black lines. Horse car lines, electric motor lines, and cable car lines all shown by dashed lines."Property indicated in red is controlled exclusively by L.C. Dillman & Co."Red circle indicates…
1 map : col. ; 33 x 84 cm.Bird's-eye viewOriented with north to lower rightIncludes key to points of interestNot drawn to scaleSettlement of Tacoma (first known as Commencement Bay, or Commencement City, after the Bay on which it …

amputation tools.JPG
A tool kit used during the Civil War for amputation.

How did the earliest wartime submarine operate?
1 map; 67 x 33 cm.Scale 1 inch = 3 miles.Surveyed Lines, unsurveyed section lines, unsurveyed township lines, wagon roads, trails, indian allotments and mining camps all indicated on map. There are a variety of pencilled-in notes on a second…
View overlooking Clarkston and river.
Women and men formally dressed sit for group photograph. Back Row:D.A. Brodie,Daisy Busby, Harry Thompson, Florence Snyder, Loring V. Corner. Center Row: E.T. Tannant, Milton McCroskey, Wm D Barkhuff, Harold Dolittle. Bottom Row: Franklin…
Class of 1900 poses in front of Thompson Hall (Administration Building).
A class picnic on the grass.
A class portrait with Barkhuff (the tallest man) standing in the back row.

An advertisement for Claxton's (patent) Ear-Cap, a product for "remedying prominent ears" and "preventing disfigurement in the after life." The ad features an illustrated picture of the product being worn by a young woman, and seems designed to…

This ad is promoting bicycles. It gives three pictures of people riding different bikes that the company sells. It also gives the address of two different places where you can get one. There isn't much in this ad other than the pictures, it's very…

"Lone Star" Dietz coached the 1915/1916 champion football team. W.S.U. (then W.S.C.), in their first Rose Bowl appearance, defeated Brown by a score of 14 to 0.

An advertisement from 1885 endorsing cocaine drops to alleviate toothaches for children.

IllustratedLondonNews 1872-11-02 page 423.jpg
Clothing patterns for reversible skirts
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