1 map; 11 x 19 cm. Inset: Coe reservoir, Furnish-Coe Project, Umatilla County, Oregon.This map comes from a brochure of the Oregon Railway and Navigation Company, advertising land in and near the town of Stanfield, Oregon. The town was first…
A one-story, temporary building of wood-frame construction. It has plywood exterior and gypsum-board interior surfaces. Building contains kitchen and preparation rooms, post office, and large dining room. Approximately 5,100 meals served daily to…
1 photographic print; 3 x 4 inches. Squirt was one of the earliest, if not the first, Washington (State College athletic mascots. Squirt had the distinct honor of being a co-mascot for a time- on a football trip to the state of Oregon on October…
1 photograph; 3 x 4 inches. This photo is captioned as: "Squirt" Famous Campus Mascot, 1903-1907.Squirt was one of the earliest Washington (State College Mascots, if not the first. It is nearly impossible to date for certain his tenure as mascot. …
1 photographic print; 8 x 10 inches. This is a photograph of the Washington (State College football team with Squirt, the dog who served as the team mascot.
Cartoon shows the world as a globe being squeezed in a vise made up of two bombs, one labeled "Russia's Bombs" and the other "U.S.' Bombs." Reflects the fear of a world-wide atomic war that developed after the revelation in September 1949 that the…
1 map: col., 28 x 27 cm.Steam railroads shown by heavy black lines. Horse car lines, electric motor lines, and cable car lines all shown by dashed lines."Showing in RED Property for sale by H.L. Moody & Bro"Scale: 4 inches = 7 milesIn October of…
1 view : col. ; 15 x 33 cm., on sheet 31 x 47 cm.Bird's-eye viewShows the Spokane areaLibrary's copy mounted on mat boardNot drawn to scaleIn October of 1890, Spokane hosted the Northwest Industrial Exposition, just 14 months after the vast majority…
1 map : col. ; 45 x 31 cm. or smallerRelief shown by contours and spot heightsTitle supplied by catalogerSet includes various editions"Surveyed in 1898""Contour interval 100 feet. Datum is mean sea level.""Edition of 1901, corrected Mar. 1911,…
A one-story, temporary building of wood-frame construction. It has a concrete basement and utilizes steam heat from the Central Heating Plant. It has 29 offices, 3 classrooms, and 6 laboratories. The overall dimensions are 216 x 76 feet and the floor…
Solid nickel table and kitchen utensils. Selling point is that nickel is the cleanest and purest metal with everlasting wear. Shows example of a tea kettle and a vegetable dish. Dates the advertisement because nickel nowadays is not readily used for…
The south stands of the football stadium are destroyed in an arson-caused fire. This follows the similar burning of UI's stadium seven months earlier, and downtown Pullman's Anderson Berger Toyota on March 24th. The Lewiston National Guard…
1 map; 36 x 38 cm.Shows additions, lot numbers, street names, railroads, county roads, swamps, military reserves, section numbers, and names of some landowners."Lines drawn crooked are intended to show incorrect surveys."Depth of navigable waterways…