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Date taken from postmark.

Looking east on Main Street.

Looking east on Main St. from the corner of Main and Grand.

W.S.C. is on the hill in the distance.

Date taken from inscription.Looking east on Main Street

from corner of Main and Grand.

Hotel Pullman was later known as the Alton. It was located

on the west side of Grand just south of Paradise Creek.

Date taken from postmark.

Back row from left: Carl Zable, Ruth Graham, Bob Bond,

Margaret Able, Betty Kimzey, ?, Maxine Weeks, Leonard Todd,

? Krugel, Orville Kirkland, ?, Lorraine ?, Elaine Genger

Front row from left: ?, Marion Nelson, John Rankin,

Helen Lickey,…

Looking west up Main St. from the corner of Main and Grand.

WSC is on the hill to the left .

City Hall looking north down Alder Street.

Picture taken from Kruegel Park.

Johnson hall was constructed in 1961.

Jewett Observatory was constructed in 1951.

Date taken from postmark.
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