Maps of military roads in Spokane area ()<br>Map of military road from Upper Spokan [sic] Ferry to Wolf's Lodge Prairie ()<br>Map of wagon road, connecting the two ferries of the Spokan [sic] River ()



Maps of military roads in Spokane area ()<br>Map of military road from Upper Spokan [sic] Ferry to Wolf's Lodge Prairie ()<br>Map of wagon road, connecting the two ferries of the Spokan [sic] River ()


Spokane River (Idaho and Wash.) -- Maps


2 maps on 1 sheet ; 9 x 13 cm. and 9 x 14 cm., sheet 23 x 15 cm.<br>Relief shown by hachures and contours<br>Military road map shows Prairie de Tonmere, Siltishs Farm, Little Falls, Lake Grier and Col. Wright's Ford. Wagon road map shows wagon roads and trails along and across a reach of the Spokane River. Includes the Colville Road, Colonel Wright's trail, the pack trail to Colville, and the military road to Antoine Plant. Shows the location of a fishery at the confluence of the Little Spokane and Spokane Rivers, the two ferries on the Spokane and the site of the Battle of Four Lakes<br>Indexed in: CIS US serial set index, pt. 14, 1120 (37-2) S.exdoc. 1, maps 1 & 2<br>Scale 1:506,880. 8 miles to 1 in.<br>When Washington Territory was created out of the Oregon Territory in 1853, newly appointed Governor Isaac Stevens immediately pushed for the surveying of a route over which a transcontinental railway could be run. To this end, he asked for and got several teams of government surveyors who proceeded to begin charting passes and routes across the Washington Territory. As the best routes were eventually chosen, the survey of the specific route began in 1858. The Mullan road (named for John Mullan, the primary surveyor of the route and the man subsequently placed in charge of the road's construction), a permanent wagon road from the Mississippi River to the Puget Sound, was constructed in 1859-1860. In 1861 and 1862, an improved road was constructed and slightly rerouted. When the Northern Pacific Railroad was built approximately a quarter century later, it followed Mullan's route very closely.


Mullan, John, 1830-1909


University of Washington Libraries Government Publications Section


Washington : G.P.O.




University of Washington Libraries Map Collection


This image may be freely downloaded and used. Please give credit to the University of Washington Libraries.


Removed from: Message of the President of the United States to the two houses of Congress at the commencement of the second session of the thirty-seventh Congress. Washington : G.P.O., 1861. (Ex. Doc. / 37th Congress, 2d Session, Senate ; no. 1)








uwm166<br>Y 1.1/2: Serial 1120 map 2


Washington (State) -- Spokane River
Idaho -- Spokane River


Mullan, John, 1830-1909, “Maps of military roads in Spokane area ()<br>Map of military road from Upper Spokan [sic] Ferry to Wolf's Lodge Prairie ()<br>Map of wagon road, connecting the two ferries of the Spokan [sic] River (),” Digital Exhibits, accessed March 17, 2025,