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Indain boy proudly displaying salmon which he caught.

Children Playing with their dog. This is a makeshift summer home on island.


Indian woman on right canned 96 pints- pressure cooker. Here they are drying skin and backbone.

Tommy Yallup- Celilo Indian attorney- well educated.

Cubs Game.jpg
Al Capone called over Chicago Cubs star Gabby Hartnett at a charity baseball game in 1931 asking for the catcher's autograph
1 map; 20 x 55 cm. Map shows route of the Olympian railroad with no topographic detail. Panorama photograph of the Olympian's cars above. The Olympian was the Chicago, Milwaukee, and St. Paul Railway Company's attempt at transcontinental traffic. …

Date taken from inscription.

Date taken from inscription.
1 map ; 31 x 22 cm.Scale: 3 cm. = 1 mileTourist routes, Old wagon roads, Bridle trails, and Hot springs formations indicated by various lines and dots.

Female mob Virginia
Virginia Hill

Female mob Ma barker
Ma Barker-Barker Gang

female mob stephanie
Stephanie St. Clair, mobster in Harlem
1 map: 29 x 67 cm.Though the Lewis and Clark expedition occurred during the years 1804 to 1806, Clark's journal was not published until 1814. This map comes from the first British printing of that journal, occurring in that same year, 1814.
1 map: 8 x 14 cm. This map comes from a tourism brochure, a pocket guide to the state of Washington, published specifically for the "automobile tourist." The 46 page brochure includes automotive maps of major cities, distance charts, a listing of…
1 map: 14 x 8 cm. This map comes from a tourism brochure, a pocket guide to the state of Washington, published specifically for the "automobile tourist." The 46 page brochure includes automotive maps of major cities, distance charts, a listing of…
1 map: 14 x 8 cm.Scale: 5 in = 24 miles This map comes from a tourism brochure, a pocket guide to the state of Washington, published specifically for the "automobile tourist." The 46 page brochure includes automotive maps of major cities, distance…
1 map: 14 x 8 cm.Scale: 1 in. = 4 miles This map comes from a tourism brochure, a pocket guide to the state of Washington, published specifically for the "automobile tourist." The 46 page brochure includes automotive maps of major cities, distance…

Two men walking in front of a YMCA. The YMCA was

constructed in 1916. It was later converted to a men's dorm

in 1921, and then to a women's dorm in 1922. It was torn

down in the mid 1930s. Wilmer-Davis Hall now stands on this

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