Captain E.W. Fuller letter to Mary Fuller, letter 3, page 3
Captain E.W. Fuller letter to Mary Fuller, letter 3, page 3
United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1875
Fuller, Emelius Woods, 1815-1863--Correspondence
Prisoners of war--United States--Correspondence
Prisoners of war--United States--1860-1880
Fuller continues letter 3 describing their arrival at Fort Delaware within 24 hours of departure. He discusses his amazement at the number of vessels in Delaware Bay. Upon arrival, Fuller was informed by General [Shoupe?] that he was to be kept in close confinement in a room he describes as a dungeon. He reminds Mary of how much he had loved the United States, only reluctantly giving up his allegiance in response to secession.
Fuller, Emelius Woods, 1815-1863
Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections, Washington State University Libraries:
For permission to reproduce, please contact Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections, Washington State University Libraries: The text of this document is in the public domain.
from Fortress Monroe for Fort Delaware where we Safely arrived after 24 hours [more?]. While coming up Delaware Bay & river I was struck with the great number of vessels in sight, scarcely less than fifty being in sight at a time & this was continued all the way up I did not count them but think we met or passed over two hundred in fifty miles. Upon arrival at Fort Delaware I was surprised and pained at being informed by Genl Schoupe the officer in command that he should keep me in close confinement, it seemed as if my heart sank within me he did not say why this peculiar disposition is made of me or how long it will continue. He seemed to avoid giving me an opportunity to ask him any questions.
I was about an hour afterward, conducted to a room which was in reality a dungeon having no window and but one door with two small holes cut through it- this afforded air but very little light. When locked in there I felt my only hope was in God and the succor that he may give to the Confederate Cause- - You know how dearly I loved the United States and with what reluctance I gave up the Union after Secession was an accomplished fact. I have ever since
from Fortress Monroe for Fort Delaware where we Safely arrived after 24 hours [more?]. While coming up Delaware Bay & river I was struck with the great number of vessels in sight, scarcely less than fifty being in sight at a time & this was continued all the way up I did not count them but think we met or passed over two hundred in fifty miles. Upon arrival at Fort Delaware I was surprised and pained at being informed by Genl Schoupe the officer in command that he should keep me in close confinement, it seemed as if my heart sank within me he did not say why this peculiar disposition is made of me or how long it will continue. He seemed to avoid giving me an opportunity to ask him any questions.
I was about an hour afterward, conducted to a room which was in reality a dungeon having no window and but one door with two small holes cut through it- this afforded air but very little light. When locked in there I felt my only hope was in God and the succor that he may give to the Confederate Cause- - You know how dearly I loved the United States and with what reluctance I gave up the Union after Secession was an accomplished fact. I have ever since
Fuller, Emelius Woods, 1815-1863, “Captain E.W. Fuller letter to Mary Fuller, letter 3, page 3,” Digital Exhibits, accessed March 19, 2025,